ShadowCopy V2.02 - VSS 陰影複製技術


陰影複製(Volume Shadow Copy Service,VSS)
版本管理工具對目前的軟體開發開環境來說相當重要,因為不管是軟硬體環境的改變、需求改變、軟體本身的 bug...等等,都會令軟體不斷地演進,我們必須記錄各個版本,以便隨時比對版本之間的差異,或者回到(rollback to)過去的某個版本;此外,當專案小組成員眾多時,工作交接、多人修改同一個檔案等情況,都有可能造成檔案的版本混亂。例如一支程式本來由張三撰寫,可是因為某些原因(請假、臨時支援其他專案、請別人 debug....)暫時由李四修改,後來又交回給張三。如果用傳統的檔案共享機制,每次有這種情形就要互相通知:我改好囉,請把檔案從檔案伺服器搬回你家,萬一有人忘了,可能就會造成檔案版本錯亂,而東西交到客戶手上才發現 bug 依然存在。
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ShadowCopy V2.02

Free Download

English (0.92MB)
Copy all your files - even if they are locked by Windows
File Size:0.92 MB
Price: Free
System Requirements: Windows XP, 2003, Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8 

Product Highlights

  • Copy all your files, even if they are locked
  • Run from command prompt
  • Copies locked and open files
  • Uses Microsoft's Volume Shadow Services
Copy all your files - even if they are locked by Windows
ShadowCopy is a simple program that copies all files from one place to another. Other than usual file managers, such as Windows Explorer, it copies all files including locked and open files. This is made possible by using Microsoft's Volume Shadow Services (VSS).
Copy your entire system
You can easily copy the content of an entire hard disk to another disk. If you copy, for example, C:\ to D:\, you will even be able to boot from that drive. Since ShadowCopy is capable of tranferring all the system files you will have an almost exact clone.
ShadowCopy Tips:
  • You need to make the new partition active (in Windows Disk Management).
  • You also might need to set a new Disk ID using DriveImage XML.
  • You will probably have to reactivate Windows and some other copy-protected programs.
Automate ShadowCopy
ShadowCopy can be run from the command prompt, batch or task scheduler. The available switches are:
/scopy subdirectories 
/jparse junctions 
/iignore errors 
/yoverwrite existing files 
/roverwrite read-only files




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