[低調] 找資源卻需要論壇會員?讓 BugMeNot 幫你登入! – 各瀏覽器通用



Chrome: BugMeNot Lite
Firefox:  BugMeNot
Else: BugMeOut  (將左邊連結加到我的最愛,或拉到書籤工具列)

Bypass compulsory web registration via www.bugmenot.com.
Click on bugmenot lite icon into omnibar or press Ctrl+i when a registration form is displayed to fill login and password fields automatically.

FAQ about bugmenot.com is here: http://www.bugmenot.com/faq.php.

features :
- icon appears only when a login form is found
- login select (containing bugmenot logins) is injected into the login form
- login select size is customizable
- login form is initialized automatically after logon failure
- icon can be automatically hidden after a predefined delay
- optional popup allows feedback submit 
- login form can be automatically submitted with next account data after negative feedback
- feedback icon display can be delayed to bypass successive negative feedbacks
- feedbacks are *optionally* stored in local database. With this feature enabled, working accounts are moved on the top of list (with green background color), non-working accounts on the bottom (with red background color).




[Chrome] 不用任何擴充功能,Chrome 內建開發者工具讓您輕鬆下載任何影片!